Saturday, December 10, 2022

Mother's Names 876 to 900

 876) Sati सती - ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम  क्रमांक 820 

This is the name of Paarvati and means chaste and faithful spouse.Even in imagination a true wife should not think of any other person as her husband or lover. When Rama was roaming like a madman after the loss of his beloved wife Seetaa,  Paarvati suspected if Rama, who appeared to be so much entangled in the love of his wife could be the incarnation of one of the three deities. So, She with a view to test him, took the form of Seetaa and approached Raamaa; but Raamaa at once bowed down to Her and said, ' O Mother wherefrom you here ? Is my Lord Shiva happy?"

Paarvati  was stunned on being detected, and She had just a reactionary idea. Even for the sake of testing Rama , I acted and personified as his wife. I am no longer therefore fit as a chaste spouse to Lord Shiva."

Extremely repentant and unable to bear the idea of her moral degradation form the idealistic plane, she left her body. In the Kshatriya dynasty period faithful queens died after their husbands in war, and they were called Satis. 

Sati means energy which enables chaste wives to make highest sacrifices for their husband.

877) Satya-jnaana-anada-rupaa सत्यज्ञानानंदरूपा - In the form of Truth, wisdom and bliss. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 791

Mother is both knowledge and ignorance, the high class joy and worldliness joy.

Those who worship ignorance enter into deep darkness.  Those who worship knowledge , enter int highest lights. What one likes , that he seeks, What he seeks that he collects knowledge about. Seeking and knowing how, he gets approach to the sought. What one is in contact with, that attracts him. What attracts him that he exerts to possess. Finally deleting the intermediate  process . what one likes, that he gets.

The important psysic law is that the illuminated gets more and more illuminated and the deluded gets more and more deluded.

The reverse meaning is brought out thus : - Sati (सत् ) Ajna (अज्ञ)  Anaanandaa (अनानंद)      or  

Sati (सत् ) - Ajnaana(अज्ञान) - Aanadaa(आनंद) :-

सत्यज्ञानानन्दरूपा  =  सत्य +ज्ञान आनंद रूपा   //          सत्यअज्ञ अनानंद रूपा  //  सत्य अज्ञान आनंद रूपा 


 The entire absence of joy or the continuous feeling of being miserable, for them that do not know Mother (Sati, Thee) or the imitative or delusive joy arising from the worldwormness and sense living of them that are in dark regarding Mother (Thee), respectively.These two, as also the joy of the truely wise and followers of truth, all proceed  from Her (Thee), and are making of Hers (Thineand are aspects of Her (Thine) alone.

Dearest reader, if thou hast love for me , repeat and repeat the above para, substituting Thee and Thine for Mother, Her, Hers and Her, etc. for the sake of thy love for me at least. From "The entire" to "alone".

i.e. :  =

[ The entire absence of joy or the continuous feeling of being miserable, for them that do not THEE  or the imitative or delusive joy arising from the worldwormness and sense living of them that are in dark regarding THEE, respectively. These two, as also the joy of the truely wise and followers of truth, all proceed from THEE, and are making of THINE, and are aspects of THINE alone.] 

It has made me loose myself at 9 A.M. of Friday, 9 January 1940 .

The joy of them, that are blessed with wisdom, knowledge of Truth and experience of bliss, as well as that of those drowned in ignorance  and worldliness due to absence of relationship with or atleast, knowledge of Her, are both Hers.

And it is this, that explains why true devotees of Mai enjoys everything , even ignorance , worldliness, irreligiosity and atheism, and not ruffled thereby, and are never driven to hating others. A Mai-ist is very broad in his outlook. He says," Well, if the joy of the particular soul lies in evil, let him be happy there with. It is all Mother's play."

878)Satya-rupaa सत्यरूपा - Truthfulness incarnate. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 818

Satyarupaa is a higher form than the Satyavrataa which is again higher than Satyapriyaa. You are on the other side of truth. You side with people , customs, action and conduct in the right, that is Satyapriyaa. You yourself trying to best keep yourself in the right is Satyavrataa. When you can not feel easy yourself because you are not in the right, you are Satya-rupaa.

Satya-rupaa is the stage when the righteous living becomes so interwoven with one's thought and action that any casual observer can mark you out whenever you speak an untruth or twist the truth or make the slightest departure from the right conduct. You are then Satyarupaa. There is so much of uneasiness, confusion and guiltiness stamp on your face, that even the dullest person can detect you. You are then Satya-rupaa. You can not remain composed till you have vomited out your crime, sin, fault or folly.

As an instance of Satyarupaa I quote a wonderful instance of actual happening of a young man. He having fallen a pray to weakness with a young woman in solitude, went direct to the woman's husband and spoke to him thus : " I and your wife succumbed now, being young and in solitude. We both are fools and uncontrolled. I do leave this place tonight so that the sin may not be repeated but our best saviour can be you. I therefor pray to you to do all the needful to save us both from direct hell." Whatever he is another field, he is a Satyarupaa.

A similar instance I know of another person. For his service done some one came one night to him and in spite of flat refusals left a fifty rupee note. As soon as that man left, this Satyarupaa began to get headache and vomiting and after two hours he called his son and said , " I know our poverty but if you wish I may not die before morning, please take this money and return to its owner."

Satyarupaa सत्यरूपा are those who cannot bare the burden of any secret or the fact of having dabbled with truth or having hurt anyone  by unpleasant feeling, thought word or deed.

Satyavrataa सत्यव्रता may also be taken to mean She that is pleased by vow of speaking and living truth or She that becomes Satya, i.e., more known or manifested on observing Vrataas  (religious vows) sincerely and not hypocritically. Satya also means giving quick and lasting results, and Satyavrataa means She that gives quick and lasting results. Satyavrataa may also mean She that makes Her promises true in the matter of conferring all that is necessary for evolution till the attainment of salvation, on him who surrenders himself to Her.

In Devi Bhaagvat  there is a story of an illiterate and foolish Brahmin by name Satyavrataa who on repeating the sound "Ai" - which he heard from the mouth of a boar by whom he was frightened became the king of poets. Mother taking pity on him completed his "Ai"   to be "Aim" एम and "Aim" एम become "MAI"  by continuous repetition.

879) Satyavrataa सत्यव्रता - Mother, who after the creation of the desire of amassing  merit by all possible avenues , creates the desire of living out a righteous life. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 817

The greatest virtue which gives a lift in spirituality is Satya or Truthfulness.The usual outlook about the "Truth" of the routine religionist although he repeat that word hundred times is extremely narrow. Few have explained "Truth" except by some small definition of " Conformity of word, thought and action". 

To realise the importance of this virtue , the ant out-look should be made elephant-outlook. "Satya" must be taken to mean "Arjavam", i.e., straightforwardness. Giving a more practical aspect, I interpret "Satya" as absence of crookedness of heart, thought and action in practical routine life. This definition may be applied to oneself, in dealings with others and the universe as whole.

I say with experience that the degenerating influence of the highest sins is not that as great as that of the routine crookedness. The degenerating influence of constantly keeping yourself concealed from others as to what you are, utilising your speech and influence and action to give the wrong scent of your motives and further move, etc. is the violation of the truth.

I say by experience that crookedness and violation of truth is much worse than highest sin because it deadens the conscience and closes all doors against even the best saviours. No patient can be cured by even the most celestial doctor, if the very history he gives the false one. If you are unreliable, you are incorrigible and untouchable as well. Impurity of other sins soils you but the impurity of crookedness murders your higher self.

880) Satya-sandhaa सत्यसंधा -Devoted to truth. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 693

Purity suggested in the name Shuddhaa is internal and external,mental and physical. The internal impurity is due to evil motives, illegitimate desires, harmful intentions, falsehoods spoken and intended to be spoken, plans and designs, projects and programmes based on basis of selfishness and attainment of selfish desires, currents and undercurrents, different colours and cap-boards, different flows of living (natural, as to be shown to the people, as desired and so on). See Satya Roopaa सत्यरूपा . 

External impurity is due to visitations of   unhealthy areas and places as epidemic-affected, burning and burial grounds, night-soil repositories, etc., due to impure touch of human corpse, a dead animal, a woman in menses, due to sexual cohabitation, due to unearned food or food already contaminated during with attainment with actions of the most debased sort of living or earning etc.

You are more polluted by food earned by doing baseliest deeds .

This pollution is actual and not imaginary or superstitious. If one carefully analyses himself he can find it out. I want Maai-ists to understand everything in quite a scientific way by additions and subtractions, by weighings, sortings etc.

Before Mother's worship begins, the very first prayer after repetition of Jay Maai is to purify us in the following words :-

Apavitrah pavitro vaa, sarvaavasthaam gatopi vaa |

yah japet Maai Jay Maai, Sa Baahyaabhyantara Shuchih ||

संस्कृत शलोक -  [ अपवित्रः पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्थां गतो अपि वा ।

यः स्मरेत्पुंडरीकाक्षीं स बाह्याभ्यंतरः शुचिः ।। ]

Impure or pure, or gone to any condition of impurity though he repeats Maai Jay Maai, he is pure externally and internally.

881) Satyaanandasvarupini सत्यानंदस्वरूपिणी - Who is the ideal of truth and bliss.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 646

True joy which is not the joy experienced by worldly people, proceeds from full understanding of life, Universe and Mother and full self-control and self-surrender to Mother's Divine Will.

882) Sadasadrupadhaarini सदसदरूपधारिणी - Mother is the foundation and assumes all forms of being and nonbeing.

Sat means Mother and Asat means Universe.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 661 

Sat and Asat are also the two kinds of knowledge. Sat is knowledge or mental understanding about Mother after, the realization of the unity underlying the Soul, Universe and Mother. It is after this realization alone , that the Universe becomes Asat (non-existent). Asat knowledge  means the knowledge which is non existent, but which is contrary to the final truth, and which every soul has , before the above said realization.

Sat and Asat also mean existence and non-existence. Existence is what is permanent and unchangeable, Whatever appears as either as existent or non existent is caused to appear so, by the desire of Mother.

883) Sadaachaara-pravartikaa सदाचारप्रवर्तिका - ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 356

While Mother has been simply described as the the giver of the results of good and bad actions, She has not been fully described. She is not merely dispensing out justice but more than that, without the erroneously supposed indifferences to the running of the universe, She is all seeing that the whole universe and individuals are finally going towards "good" . That is the main policy of the Mai Government of the universe.

If the working principal behind all arrangements is to be stated, it is what Mother wants every soul to realise after varied experiences, that nothing can make the individual happy except returning with self-surrender to Her. 

If evil predominates, She sends forth great saints preachers, founders and Message bearers. For them, that are incorrigible by softer means of the said type, there are shocking remedies as well, such as wars, epidemics, floods ,earthquakes, volcanoes etc.Universal sins are dealt with universally, national ones nationally, social and individual ones individually.

It would be stunting the natural  growth of a child, not to allow it even to stumble, but the final protection is there. Mother is Sadaachaara-pravartikaa also in the sense, that in most cases whenever you are inclined to do evil, your conscience warns you.

884) Sadaatushtaa सदातुष्टा - Ever contended.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 921

885) Sadaashiva-kutumbini सदाशिवकुटुंबिनी - The protector of Sadaashiva's family.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 911

886) Sadaashiva-pativrataa सदाशिवपतिव्रता The devoted spouse of Sadaashiva. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 709

887) Sadaashiva सदाशिवा - In the form of Sadaashiva. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 272

To recapitulate, the external and the internal manifestations of Mother Mai, which cause bondage and release, and which have corresponding expressions in Tirodhaan and Anugraha respectively, are Ishvari and Sadaashiva, when highest Rajas and highest Satva respectively predominate. It is the sub functioning of Mother as Ishvar that gives rise to the three sub-aspects referred to in the serial numbers 349, 351 and 353, as Srishtikartri, Goptri and Sanhaarini.

888) Sadoditaa सदोदिता -  Ever alert to run to the succour of Her devotees.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 920

889) Sadgati-pradaa सद्गतिप्रदा- Leading into the right path. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 201

It is said by great man, "Thou art the way"; "Thou alone art the way, O Bhavaani, lead us to Thy way."

Like "all's well that ends well", She not only burns every misery of Her devotees, but fructifies miseries to a permanent benifit of experience, which makes them wiser and wiser fitted to go nearer and nearer, to the final goal, to Salvation, to Her.

890) Sadyah-prasaadini सद्यःप्रसादिनी - Granting Grace immediately and unfailingly. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 383 

891)  Sanakaadi-samaaraadhyaa सनकादिसमाराध्या - Worshipped by the highest renouncers and meditators, as Sanaka and others. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 726

892) Samaya-achaara-tat-paraa समयाचारतत्परा - She that is ready to accept and be satisfied with the poorest and most incomplete and meagre rituals, which the devotee is able to observe serving at the right moment, as best as he can. Mother is most merciful while considering his capacities, circumstances,times and conditions.Just as Kaulaachaar कौलाचार is kind of worship, so is Samayaachaar समयाचार. The former is worshipping Mother in Chakras mentally produced in ether. The latter is worshipping Mother in the ether of the heart itself.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 98

As per Mother's Ideal, Kulaachaar कुलाचार is the practice, in one's dealing with all, of a demeanour which proceeds from the belief that we are all of one (Kula कुल) family and Samayaachaar is the higher practice of seeing sameness and dealing out treatment of equality and justice to all.

This name also means , She that is anxious to see that Her devotee's demeanour to all is uniformity,justice, oneness, sameness and equality. Samay समय means worship or time and Aachaar अाचार means behaviorMother's own behaviour also during worship is one of very great impatience, to somehow finish up the rituals and very quickly enter into personal relations of equality, of Mother and Son or God and devotee, with Her devotees.

Thus in the field of worship, he who worships by imaging  Mother as standing in a geometrical figure, outside in the ether, is Kaulaachaari कौलाचारी ; whereas  he who worships by creating the image of Mother as centered in his own heart is a Samayaachaari समयाचारी.

In the field of the outer world he who extends the relations and treatment of equality, sameness and oneness to others is a Kaulaachaari कौलाचारी, whereas he who is prepared to take matters as they befall with self-surrendering spirit is a Samayaachaari समयाचारी.

To express the above by a link, Kaulaachaari is represented by " Love All and Serve All"and Samayaachaari, by " with unconditional self-surrender" and both of them are commonly connected with "Devote yourself to Mother".  

893) Samayaan-tasthaa समयान्तस्था - She that stands by the side of Her devotees in worst times, and when he is undergoing pains to leave this body, or She that resides in the heart of one, who extends equality to all. Sama सम means equality and ya means he who attends it. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 97

894)  Samasta-bhakta-sukhadaa  समस्तभक्तसुखदा - Conferring happiness of all Her devotees. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 502

895) Samaana-adhika-varjitaa समानाधिकवर्जिता - Considering neither equality nor  superiority.  ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 198

She is much above the rigidity of judging, by comparison of the devotions of the different devotees, and never balances Grace against devotion.She desires Her devotees to forget Her superiority, while dealing with Her in the spirit of Love.

Love keeps itself ever above the idea of the beloved being  unable to be equal to oneself, and above the idea of desiring that the beloved should be considering the lover to be superior.

What remains for the true lover is inferiority.A true lover thinks that he is inferior to his beloved. Even Mother thinks so. She thinks that She is debtor to her devotees, for the reason that they surrender over themselves with their everything for nothing in return. It is because of this consideration, that true devotees never ask or accept any favour. Their greatest joy of their love-intoxication is to keep themselves above any obligation. and to say " Mother ! I have died for Thee. Tell me what Thou hast done for me."

896) Saraswati सरस्वती -  Goddess of Learning, music and fine arts. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 704

This and the following names are more closely related to Mother, as Learning and Scriptures.

Saraswati presides over knowledge and it is an ocean of knowledge. The name also means possessor. Vati of Saras, i.e., the stream of sense-impressions. She is supposed to be residing on the tongue of Her devotees. She imparts knowledge to Her devotees, but that is always parrotic knowledge. It is only when there is Divine Grace of the Finalmost Mother, that the true knowledge with its bliss and power dawns. Very often the knowledge given by Saraswati, unaccompanied with Mother's Grace, turns out to be one that bewilders. Such knowledge delude others, in the first instance, by its dazzling glamour and then the possessor of such knowledge , themselves.

Persons devoid of Divine grace get confused, and the knowledge of non-duality, with the practice of love , service, devotion and self-surrender, which removes all sorrows, remains for ever concealed from them, although they are extremely learned. Scriptures also labyrinth. One who  enter  therein once , does not find his way out, unless he constantly  keeps his eyes set, on the Directing Mother and strictly follows Her instructions, without any interference of his own will and wisdom and with full faith. Scriptures should not be studied, without simultaneously doing all the needful, to be continuously under the showering of Her Grace

It is Grace , that makes all difference.Rain water is only distilled sea water and most of the wholesome and pleasant dish, is only a mixture of several ingredients, cooked together. It is grace that fulfills the distilling and the cooking process. 

897) Sarvagaa  सर्वगा - Omnipresent.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तो., नाम क्रमांक 702

898) Sarvajnaa सर्वज्ञा - Omniscient. Conferring all kinds of knowledge and perception regarding past, present, or future and here, there, and everywhere.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 196

899) Sarva-tantra-rupaa सर्वतन्त्ररूपा - Thou art the spirit of all Tantras.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 206

The ultimate goal of Tantras is to be one with Mother, and Tantras are Her body. Each tantra by itself, represents any one of Her limbs and the study of these scriptures helps the student to be finally able to concentrate upon the corresponding limb. If Mother's Grace is there, all the troubles of mastering Tantras will be saved.And while it is impossible for himself to progress on Her way any further. It is so very easy for Mother, who is the Ruler of all, to make necessary arrangements for Herself to go nearer. Her sweet will is enough. If Mother's Grace is there, one does not need any Guru's initiation as Mother is all Mantras. Mother is all Mantras, all Yantras and all Tantras, as also their soul

Tantras are those scriptures in which practicability is many times much greater than in other scriptures, and in which methods are described for attainment of Mother. Usually Tantras relate to worship of Shiva and Shakti and describe the methods of evolution through the science of Kundalini and Chakras, etc. Generally they are stated to have been narrated by Shiva to afford an easy remedy in this iron age of weak, unfortunate, deluded and evil-minded race , known as Kali Yuga.

Mother resides in all Yantras, when She desires to lift up the devotee worshipping a certain Yantra, towards Her. Any Yantra serves the purpose. If Her Grace is there, there is no disqualification, due to Yantra being not of a particular type, or sanctified in particular ceremonial way or obtained from a particular source. Any Yantra is powerful enough at all times.

The body of the Great Mother should be contemplated upon, as a perfect Image of all sacred Love contained in different Tantras, because there is the relationship of the different Tantras with Mother corresponding different limbs and with crown, garments, ear-rings etc. This is as under :-

1. The Lotus Feet.(Kaamika) 2 and 3.The toes (Kaarana and Prasrita) 4. Ankles (Yogaja). 5.The knees (Ajita). 6.The thighs (Dipta). 7. Navel (Suprabheda). 8. Stomach (Vijaya). 9. Heart (Nishvaasa). 10.The bosom (Svayambhuva) 11. Arms (Vipula). 12.Chest (Chandrajnaana). 13. The Throat ( Viraagama). 14. Lotus Face (Bimba). 15- Cheeks (Lalita). 16. Tongue (Prodgita).17. Ears (Rurutantra). 

18.Ear-rings(Santaana). 19. The three eyes. (Anala). 

20. Forehead (Siddha). 21.Crown.(Mukuta). 22.Red   coloured gems(Kirana). 23.Back(Amshumaan).

24.Garments. (Vaatula).

900) Sarvatantreshi सर्वतन्त्रेशी - ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 724

Ruler of all the success and master of the secrets of scriptures dealing with the practices and paths of devotion.