676) Ranjani रंजनी -Delighting. The name refers to the idea of the mental joy. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 309
677) Ratna-kinkini-mekhalaa रणत्किंकिणीमेखला - Having a girdle of tinkling bells. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 312
Tinkling is infatuating.
When that is heard, ordinary mortals fall in swoon with unbearable and overpowering joy, whereas greatest Yogis like Shiva wonder, on finding that their state of full bliss is broken, being surprised with the experience, that a still higher joy does exist. Theses then run maddened with the desire of hearing that tinkling again and again.
678) Ratipriyaa रतिप्रिया - Beloved of Rati. Fond of loving and being loved.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 316
679) Ratirupaa रतिरूपा - In the form of Belovedness or having the irresistible force of belovedness or in the condition of loving Her devotees or being loved by them.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम 315
680) Ratnakinkinikaaramyarashanaadaama bhushitaa
रत्नकिंकिणिकारम्यरशनादामभूषिता -Decked in a belt beautified with jewelled bells.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 38
681) Ratnagraiveya chintaaka lolamukhaa phalaanvitaa रत्नग्रैवेयचितांकलोलमुक्ता॑फलान्विता - Having a pearl danging from a necklace of gems and gold. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 32
Adorned with the liberation - promise - representing celestial necklace with the most attractive gems and gold, put on by Her for the just-initiated devotees, as if the neck were pressed down by Her just initiated devotees, with their two hands , to crave mercy.
The pearl in the necklace is dangling and is just near her heart. It is to give assurance to Her devotees, although they are dangling and fickle-minded about their having a place and play in Her heart. This suggest to them the sublime truth, viz., that to the Mother the weakest child is dearest in Her heart.
Those who meditate (Chintaaka) on Her from the crown upto the neck (Grivaa)alone and can not meditate further on Mother upto Her heart in the cavity of their heart,, i.e., those who worship Her only externally have their love to Her, which is ever changing in intensity.But even the devotion of such wavering devotees Graiveyachintaaka becomes fruitful, although they are bound by various earthly desires. They are like the dangling pearl, swinging like pendulum between happiness arising from earthly pleasures and that from devotion to Mother.
There should be no confusion between the Mangal Sutra and the Necklace regarding their being different things with different missions.The Mangal Sutra is for them that are Her beloved children who love Her and would sacrifice themselves for Her out of love for Her. The necklace is for the welfare of the devotees of various grades.If subtlety is appreciated, a distinction should be made from the view of direct approach to Mother as Her child and approach to Her through the usual religiously prescribed channel, although it may be remembered that the beloved children are those souls who have already been in the religious routine in previous lives, as per Hindu conception.
It should be clearly known that those that are connected with the Mangal Sutra, have doubtlessly their place in the heart. Devotees are connected with heart, necklace and liberation, where as the children have, in addition to those the claim to neck, Mangal Sutra and general welfare in the running life as well. Children have a double share, and naturally so, because they are in the most cases, the cream of the devotees.
682) Ramanlamtaa रमणलम्पटा - She, that makes one entirely shameless in the matter of securing and enjoying whatever gives him enjoy-ability and opens out the field for his joy. As stated before, this name explains an aspect as the name Bhogini. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 320
683) Ramani रमणी- Gladdener. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 310
The name gives the idea of joy by playing,laughing, and rejoicing
in company.
684) Ramaa रमा ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 313
Mother becomes the Ramaa, the Lakshmi, creating passion for getting and amassing the wealth. The Scriptures say," She appears like a dancer in the forms of Lakshmi, the giver of wealth." She Herself dances less but makes others dance to the extent and in varieties, both beyond imagination.
685) Ramyaa रम्या -The beautiful one. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 307
686) Ravi-prakhyaa रविप्रख्या - Resembling the Sun and renowned for having been worshiped through the Sun externally and by meditating on the solar disc in the heart. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 596
687) Rasajnaa रसज्ञा -Expert in knowing, creating and enjoying relish.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 799
Knower, creator and enjoyer of the tastes of worldly people. Tastes are physical,emotional, social, individual, intellectual, spiritual, etc.
She joins with and shares the joys and miseries of Her worldly devotees, with as gladdened or afflicted a heart, and as great craving and interest, as if She is equally a great worldly being like them. Further, it means, She knows what pleases Her each child. This is most evident if one studies the family life.Mother alone knows what best pleases and suits the child's temperament and constitution. It is Mother alone who knows what is passing in the heart of child, what it wants and demands, without its speaking or suggesting.
Rasa is feeling-interest or juice, taste, sap or relish and may be compared to saliva experienced during the period of morsel before the eye and inside the mouth.It is caused by the remembrance of the happiness, which was once enjoyed and now is just to be enjoyed.
Different kinds of relishes are (1) six physical tongue-tastes of different diets as sweetness, acidity,pungency,saltishness, bitterness and astringency. (2) Nine kinds of different sentiments of literature as humor, valor, wonder,amour,terror, fear, vulgarity, pathos and affectionateness. (3) Five sense relishments of touch, taste, smell, hearing and seeing. (4) Four relishes of different mental processes of Chitta, Buddhi, Ahankaar,and Manas, i.e., likes and dislikes,pros and cons,my-ness and non-myness thinking, meditation and absorption. (5) Eight joys of Yoga practice. (6) Nine superior tastes of the bliss arsing from different modes of devotion (7) The five supreme joys deriving from, (a) a disinterested onlooking of the universal soul knowledge (b) Mother's personal relationship (c) complete quietude (d) supreme bliss on periodical ecstasy and (e) Finalmost joy, just before the dissolution of individuality in the infinite ocean of the Finalmost Mother.
Six diet relishes, nine literary emotions,five sense satisfactions, four mental pleasures, eight occult joys, nine devotional ecstasies and five supreme happinesses make up the different relishments or Rasaas.
Highest enjoyableness in one which is characterised mainly by four qualities, viz., (1) inexhaustiveness of the elements which create enjoyability , Rasya; (2) nutritiousness,i.e., resulting in better being, Snigdha; (3) whole heartedness, Hridya; and (4) sameness in quality and intensity under all conditions,Sthira.
Along with these relishes, it may be remembered that the six most important and wonderful incomprehensible objective and subjective centres of joyfulness and of relish are self, Mother, mind,wealth,women,and wine in its broadest sense of nourisher, preserver and rejuvinator of body. It may be interesting to note , that the most important centres are two, Self and Mother. The third one is an equally important centre. The remaining three centres are for first separating and then bringing about and keeping up the unification of Self and Mother through mind. Woman leads the fool to the direst hell and the wise two highest heaven. Wealth Judicially used places the material universe at your disposal. The same used indiscretly and immorally brings ruin. Physical wine pushes one down into the drain, and spiritual wine of love to Mother brings about the devotee to be one with Mother.
688)) Rasa-shevadhih रसशेवधीः -Treasury of Rasa ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 800
Rasa is the nectar of unity with Mother. Rasa is the supreme way in the fructifying seed.
Having obtained the Rasa one becomes blessed, as Rasa is Mother.
689) Rasyaa रस्या - She who is to be tasted. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 311
The only joy source which once tasted will enslave you for ever, and therefore to be tasted again and again.The remembrance of taste never disappears or dims. By experience, self-denial and wisdom, one refrains from pleasures, but the desire for worldly pleasures remains latent and buried. These become extinct, only when higher joys of divine love are tasted.
690)Rahastarpana-tarpitaa रहस्ततर्पणतर्पिता - Gratified by the secret and mental oblations. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 382
The devotee should sacrifice himself to Mother in the fire of consciousness with all his knowledge or ignorance, righteousness or unrighteousness and sinlessness or sinfulness, heaven and hell and the ownership from the lump of clay to the whole dominion of the deities.
In a word Mother is pleased when one hands over the whole charge of one's self as one is and when nothing remains as secret and kept concealed by the devotee from Mother.
This is the secret of Mother worship. There should be no idea of alienship or separateness. Hand Yourself to Her wholly.
Duryodhan दुर्योधन approached his mother who was powerful and chaste Sati for blessing so that he might not be defeated or killed. Gaandhaari गांधारी told him that she would pray to God and the moment she opened her eyes from the state of divine communion, whatever portion of his body her eyes would fall on would be immortalised. Duryodhan दुर्योधन deluded as a result of the diplomatic advice of Krishna कृष्ण wore a flower chaddi, fearing least it would be indecent if he were to appear in naked form his mother. When Gaandhaari गांधारी opened her eyes she wrathfully shouted out "You fool, you have been deceived". In the war he was killed, being hurt in the part that was concealed under the flower-wear.
You have to approach Mother as you are and hand yourself over.
691) Rahoyaaga-krama-araadhyaa रहोयागक्रमाराध्या - Worshipped with several sacrifices by devotees to give them the ecstasy by union of their soul and Mother in the shape of the Kundalini in the highest Sahasraara-Chakra. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 381
Salvation is not for him who confers himself to the scriptural words alone , but for the man with firm vows who has ceased from worldly pursuits, who never injures any one and who rejoices in the meditation of self with Mother and who always enjoys the ecstasy of union with Divine Mother as above described.
692) Raakinyambaa-svarupini राकिण्यम्बास्वरूपिणी -Assuming the form of Mother Raakini.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 494
693) Raakendu-vadanaa राकेन्दुवदना With the face like the full moon.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 314
694) Raakshasaghni राक्षसघ्नी - Killer of Raakkshasaas.ललिता सहस्रना स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 318
The difference between a Daitya and a Raakshasa is a subtle one. A Daitya or a Raakshsa is one of undivine tendency, but Daitya is so , not out of ignorance of higher knowledge and occult practices, but out of a hereditary revenge to the Deities, or out of passion of personal aggrandisment. In fact, Daityas often did much more severe and hard penance than the Devas. Even the art of Sanjivani or life-restoring was known to them. The difference between Deities and Demons can be well expressed by opposite pairs of softness and hardness, moderation and extremity. God in the long run and self in the long run. Mythologically , Demons and Deities are children of the same father but different mothers, viz., Diti and Aditi. They are the manifestations of the same force , but put to contrary uses and spent in contradictory fields of thought, desire and action. Raakshasa is only a species with inherent nature which is just the reverse of godly and divine nature.
695) Raaga-mathani रागमथनी - Destroying relishfulness of devotees.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 157
By freeing Her devotees from passion. By Raaga here, is meant" Desire,aversion,and ardent attachment to life."
696) Raagasvarupapaashaadhyaa रागस्वरूपपाशाढ्या - Holding the noose of desire. [ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 8 ]
Desire is the Supreme, the third, i.e., the Vaasanaa form of Mother, the noose being the corresponding gross form.This weapon She has in Her lower left hand. The subtle form of noose is Hreem.
697) Raajat-kripaa राजत्कृपा - Radiant with compassion.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 687
Her eyes are full of grace and shed luster which gives full assurance to Her devotees that She is compassionate and that Her Grace is itself the Salvation.
One of the instances of compassionateness is in the preceding name.
698) Raaja-peetha-niveshita-nijaashritaa राजपीठनिवेषितनिजाश्रिता - ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम 688
She that has made Her devotees sit on thrones, either as kings or as gurus of kings and before whom kings stand hand-folded as servants, anxious to receive commands.
699) Raajaraajaarchitaa राजराजार्चिता - Worshipped by kings of kings, as Manu.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 305
700) Raajraajeshvari राजराजेश्वरी -Ruler of kings of kings.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 684