Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Mother's Names 626 to 650

 626) Maayaa माया - Illusion-creator. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 716

The energy which obscures what is plain. She causes marvellous actions, producing unheard of results, like dreams, miracles or juggleries. At one moment the universe looks flooded, at another it appears desert-like dry. Once the moon is bright Full Moon, next the same is dark New Moon. The destroyer becomes inits turn again the destroyed.This is the Maayaa of the universe. Maayaa of humanity is previously explained. Mother is Mahaa Maayaa, i.e., juggler even to Maayaa, in the matter of Her devotees. This has been explained. Maayaa tries to delude the devotees, but Mother deludes Maayaa, making Her think, that She would be successful,but, in the end Maayaa a humiliating defeat.  

627) Maartanda-bhairava-araadhyaa मार्तण्डभैरवाराध्या - Worshipped by the energy of untiring effort, guided by correct and full understanding. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 785

Maartanda Bhairava is the name of the Mother's devotee in Maharashtra. Bhairava means ceaseless effort and Maartand means Sun, who destroy darkness, ignorance and confusion. The idea is conveyed is that Mother is attainable by ceaseless effort, with right understanding.

628) Maalini  मालिनी- Wearing garlands.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 455

629) Maaheshvari माहेश्वरी . ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 208

" In Her dark quality (Tamas), Mother is called Rudraani; in Her passionate quality (Rajas), She is called Brahmaani in Her pure quality (Sattva). She is called The all-pervading Vaishnavi. Devoid of the three qualities (Nirgunaa), She is Maahesvari, who should be worshipped in Her specific way by such persons alone, who possess purity of mind and have observed celibacy."

630) Mitraroopini मित्ररूपिणी -The friend. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 565

She that is worshipped on the basis of relationship. The word Mitra मित्र is indicative of friendliness or well-wishing. This relationship of well-wishing can be in so many relationships as of father and son, master and servant, guru and disciple, love and beloved, mother and son, creator and created, player and plaything, etc. All these relationships are included in this general name.

Mitra मित्र also means Sun besides friend and this name has also the reference  to the Sun's worship through Sandhyaa संध्या by Brahmans ब्राह्मण

631) Mithyaa-jagadadhishthaanaa मिथ्याजगदधिष्ठाना- She that serves as basis of the illusory Universe.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 735

The difference arise in Her just as the mother of pearl is the basis of illusion of there being silver therein.

Indeed Mother alone is all this. All other things exist but not as separate from and independent of Her. Mother alone exist in that sense. Mother alone is all this and there is none and never, any other.

According to Mother's Ideal, the universe is the manifestation of Mother, and the universe is real, because, as the Universe and Mother are not different. Universe is real as Mother is real. If clay is real, the pot is also real. Only thing is that, the difference that is made between the pot and the clay is illusory or unreal. The subtle difference between "does not exist,"  "is unreal" and "is illusory", should minutely noted, as without proper understanding, the meaningless misleading parrot-like jargon has thrown so many aspirants out of gear and overboard.

Take for instance a sugar and a cow toy and a tiger toy, made of sugar. The cow sugar toy gives happy association while the tiger sugar toy gives unhappy association of thoughts to a child. The child grows up and later, neither the cow toy makes him happy, nor the tiger toy unhappy. Does the cow toy of sugar exist or not.? That it does not exist is meaningless, senseless jargon. Put that toy in the boiling water, the water gets sweet. If you put two such toys it will be doubly sweet. The sugar toy or cow toy exists. The cowness and tigerness of the toy also exists, though for the child alone, and although the existence is illusory. The cowness and tigerness has existence for the Mother and confectioner, as well, but it is unreal existence . It is the difference between cowness and tigerness, that is illusory, and the cow toy nor the sugar toy. Further if a cow or tiger had no existence at any time or anywhere, there could not have been any love or fear. The theory. viz., that the whole universe is illusory is absurd.

To the person who puts the toy in boiling water the toy has existence in the shape of sweetness of the water.

Thus under the Mother's Ideal the universe has existence and every object has an existence. It may not exist tomorrow as that object, but it has an existence in another shape. The most correct method of pronouncing judgement about the existence or  non existence of a thing would therefore be, not by making an arbitrary decision, but by judging everything by its own quality, condition, circumstances and merit. For an infatuated lover like Tulsidas anxious to meet his beloved, the blackest night does not exist and is broad light day, but to others it is the darkest night. The corpse in the river does not exist, and is a jolly boat purposely kept by the beloved, to enable him to cross the river and the most poisonous serpent hanging from the window, does not exist as a serpent, but is a rope intentionally tied by his beloved enable him to climb up to her room. What exists for one does not exist for another and vice-versa. The universe does exist for one so long as he is affected by it. To say that the whole Universe does not exist is absurd. What is illusory or unreal is the appearance of differences and wrong notions , in and about the Universe.

If definition of different words are reduced to plain ideas and qualifying epithets are used, much of the wasteful word-war would be over; because I feel somehow, no true seer saw the Finalmost Irreducible Form of the Eternal Truth in a contradictory form to that which another true seer saw. The difference lies in the conclusion of words , method of expression, partial vision, meaning attached to words, thought-world and emotion-world arising with speaking or hearing of certain words, points on which to lay, stress etc.

The most familiar illustration of seven blind men describing an elephant differently and even contradictorily is often quoted. But going even beyond that very satisfactorily explanation, if even an ignorant man  describes an elephant as a huge animal who could trample you under his foot in a second , say,if you prick it with a pin, I am sure all the seven blind men with agree with him. The only thing is that he must be the elephant driver, to readily give experience to anyone  who doubts the said description.This means God is the Final Supreme Controlling Beneficent Power , proceeding from Infinite Love, which is God's Finalmost form. 

Experience of God and Godliness is as true as any living fact and as universal as the coolness of moon, which is the very same for anyone  of any clime, colour or age. Experience is same. though expression varies, and going further down, misunderstandings, misinterpretations and word-warfares are innumerable and eternal.

The substance to play with it is the very same, as say a pack of fifty two cards. Each intellectual game originator comes forth to frame his own imaginary rules and introduces or creates a game . Within the players of different games themselves there are quarrellings  but an outsider only says "They are playing cards."

632) Mukundaa मुकुंदा - Reliever from any miseries. Salvation-giver. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 838

Mukunda is the name of Krishna. That Krishna and Kaali are the same has been supported by many scriptures. 

In the Tantra Raaja while describing several Gopal mantras it is thus stated, " Lalitaa, once appeared in a male body as Krishna , with Her different energies  to support with Her in the form of Gopies. That the idol of Shri Nathji has been wearing a nose ring as a commemoration of the Mother's devotee Vallabha Dholaa is well known fact.This devotee showed to Krishna's devotees that Kaali was Krishna in male form by praying the idol to appear as Kaali and this the idol did.

633) Muktidaa मुक्तिदा  - Giver of salvation. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 736

The Brahma Puraan says ," Those who worship Supreme Mother whether regularly or irregularly, are not entangled in worldliness. There is no doubt, they are liberated souls."

634) Muktinilayaa मुक्तिनिलया - The abode of salvation, meaning the mine of gems of modes, of remedies, and dispensations, that go to restore freedom or secure salvation. Mysterious, unfathomable and innumerable are Mother ways of saving Her devotees. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 839

635) Mukti-rupini  मुक्तिरूपिणी - She that is the salvation Herself. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 737

Salvation is not merely removal of ignorance or Avidyaa, but in a positive way attaining the condition of ever remaining in one's own bliss.Salvation is therefore in a way, becoming the Absolute self.

636) Mukhachandra kalankaabha mriganaabhivisheshakaa मुखचन्द्रकलंकाभमृगनाभिविशेषका  - The tiny mark of Kasturi (musk) on it is like the spot in the moon. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 16 ]

637) Mukhyaa मुख्या  - The first. Besides being the principal one above the ordinary deities above referred to, She is the principal one of the main deities as well.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 563

638) Mugdhaa मुग्धा- Appearing and acting, as if She were, an innocent attractive love stricken silent damsel. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 868

639) Mudgaudanaasakta-chitaa  मुदगौदनासक्तचित्ता - Fond of Mudga food.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 519

There are four Shaktis, from Verdaa to Sarasvati, with names beginning from Va to Sa. There are four petals, on each petal of which there is one Shakti, their names being in the same alphabetical order, viz., Va, Sha, Shha, Sa on each petal, viz., the North, East, South and West, respectively.

640) Muni-maanasa-hansikaa मुनिमानसहंसिका -  The swan of the Maanasa lake of the Muni's mind. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 916

Or, She is Sahamsikaa, i.e., a dancer with bangles on the ankles, and She takes delight in pleasing the saintly devotees, who are known as Munis as they worship Her silently and with humility.

641) Murtaa मूर्ता - Shapely. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 813

642) Mula-kuta-traya-kale-varaa मूलकूटत्रयकलेवरा -  possessing the body consisting of the three divisions of the root (Mantra).ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 89

643) Mulaprakritih मूलप्रकृति -Primary cause. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 397

There are five elements from ether to to earth, and each is called the Prakriti ( origin ) of the succeeding one; the origin of ether is Mother and so She is called Mula-Prakriti. Prakriti is cause and Vikriti is effect. " There is one Mother of the Universe , who has no origin; hence She is called Mulaprakriti.

" The earth, the basis of all, becomes dissolved into water, water is absorbed by fire, fire is absorbed into air,  air into ether, this into the unmanifested (Avyakta), and Avyakta into Mother." So She is called Mulaprakriti.

644) Mula-mantraat-mikaa मूलमंत्रात्मिका - She is the root Mantra itself. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 88 

Mula means root. This is the fifteen-syllabled mantra known as Panchadashi पंचदशी मन्त्रThis Panchadashi Mantra is  ka,e,i,la,hrim,|| ha,sa,ka,ha,la,hrim || sa,ka,la, hrim || 

 [ क ए ई ल ह्रीं । ह स क ह ल ह्रीं । स क ल ह्रीं । The three portions are called Kutas.

She is the soul of all mantrasThis means that mere repetition without love and faith does not give the desired result just as a lifeless body can help in no way.A further meaning sought to be conveyed by some Mai-ists , who have tried so many other Mantras, is that Her sacred name Jay Mai Jay Markand Mai जय माई जय मार्कण्ड माई has by repetition given more efficacious and quicker result than so many other mantras.

Mai-ist should not however jump to this  Mantra. But first practice Mai(माई), next Jai Mai (जय माई), next Aum Shrim Jay Mai (ॐ श्रीं जय माई), next Aim Shreem Jay mai ( एें श्रीं जय माई), then Aim Klim Sauhoo (एें क्लीं सौः). When he begins to see in dreams a beautiful park with beautifully carved out roads, and feels the joys of spring with peacocks, cuckoos, etc. therein, and when Mother in the form of a young girl within teens is seen playing with Her maids  with a flower ball or in company with some devotees of Mother or any other enjoying position, it should be understood that the achievement of the Mantra has been fully perfected ( siddha सिध्द).

Some Mai-ists even without a preliminary idea see in a dream Mother in the relieving posture over a couch supported by four legs which show movement. Some see a big hall with hundreds of most beautiful maids , surrounding a throne on which Mother is seen seated. Each dream has its own significance and is generally indicative of the stage of the devotee who dreams

I do not mind being called Blined-faithed but I give these details because I wish a religion to be spoken of with a scientific and precise accuracy. I am sick of over-exaggeration and falsehood in matter of religion and religious experiences . The conclusions can be bombarded with any new theories or beliefs to the contrary, but experiences themselves would not leave any room for discredited.

"Aim" एम् increases mutual love between devotee and Mother,as that between Mother and son. Repetition of Aim, Aim, Aim will become Mai, Mai, Mai, Mother, Mother, Mother". Shreem श्रीं will give prosperity, Hrim ह्रीं  will make the devotee feel ashamed of what he is and will confer knowledge, on realising that he is unworthy, wicked and ignorant. Klim क्लीं will give him attractive power. Aim एें will perfect his love to Mother, Klim क्लीं will perfect his love to the universe and Sauhoo will establish identity between him and all and Mother.

Considered from the point of evolution, AIM एें means fattered soul or JIVA. Hrim ह्रीं is knowledge or Vidya or Mother's Grace and Klim क्लीं means liberated soul, full of love for all.

Thus, between the fattered soul and liberated soul there is only one thing, viz. the bashful young mother's Grace.The idea is very clear from (1) Jivah, Shivah, Shivo, Jeevah; (2) Sah, Jeevah, Sah, Sadaashivah; (3) Paasha, Baddah, Sadaajivah; (4)Paasha, Mukta Sadaashivah.  Fettered soul is (will be) liberated soul. Liberated soul is (was)fettered soulThe soul that has been bound up by Mother by Her noose is ever fettered (in spite of any efforts of himself and others). The soul which is delivered from the noose is for ever a liberated soul in the end, even if there are ups and downs.

A Jeeva जीव or a soul means a person possessed with the idea of egoism, who believes himself to be the sole director of the eight groups, viz.,(Puryashtaka), (1) five organs of action; (2) five organs of knowledge;(3)five vital airs; (4) Manas, Buddhi, Chitta,and Ahankaar ( explained before); (5) five elements, (6) assets and  liabilities of actions and reactions  Karma; (7) desires and emotions, Karma and (8) on the top of everything ignorance, imperfection and controllessness, i.e., Avidyaa (अविद्या).

By extinction of attachment, the idea of his embodiment is destroyed, and by relinquishing the idea that he is the director of the eight groups above described, he gets over egotism.

When the Jeeva is released from egotism and even embodiment, and is beyond any influence of the cause for embodiment and of the elements embodying him, he becomes Shiva or self realised or Mukta or freed.

It is on the strength of this absolute truth that Mai-ists advocate no hate, no envy, no superiority complex. A Mai-ist must have been the most sensitive balance for judging his own actions thoughts and desires, but when he views others , he must have this view," The highest saint of today might have been the greatest devil of yesterday. The difference of the highest and lowest man is nothing compared to what Mother's Grace can do."

 Mantra is derived from man (मन) repetition and tra (त्र)protection and means that it protects those who repeat it.

645) Mula-vigraha-roopini मूलविग्रहरूपिणी - Whose body is the root of all bodies.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 840

646) Mulaadhaaraambujaarudhaa मूलाधाराम्बुजारूढा  - Ascending the Mulaadhaaraa lotus. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 514

The Yogini called Shaakini, resides in the four petalled Mulaadhaara Lotus. Her meditation is - "We meditate upon Shaakini, who resides in the four-petalled Mulaadhaara lotus, is five-faced,smoky-coloured, presides over the bones, bears in her hand the elephant-hook,lotus,book, and Jnaanamudraa (gesture), who is attained by four Shaktis, Verdaa and others , is fond of eating mudga-beans and is intoxicated with mead."

647) Mulaa-dhaaraika-nilayaa मूलाधारैकनिलया - Chiefly residing in the Mulaadhaara.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 99

This means that in most of the bodies, the central passage through the sushumnaa is entirely closed.

648) Mrigaakshi  मृगाक्षी -Fawn-eyed. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 561

649)  Mrida-priyaa मृडप्रिया- Beloved Mother. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 211

Mrida , happiness. Mrida also means persons who predominate in Saattvik nature for the sake of conferring happiness on men. Her greatest joy lies in conferring happiness.

She considers Herself to be beloved Mother of those who are for wishing and carrying happiness to others.

650) Mridaani मृडानी - Power of Shiva. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक  564