Friday, November 25, 2022

Mother's Names 526 to 550

 526) Bhandaasurendra-nirmukta-shastra-pratyastra-varshini

भण्डासुरेन्द्रनिर्मुक्तशस्त्रप्रत्यस्त्रवर्षिणी - She is showering missiles in response to the weapons thrown by Bhandaasura. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 79

After this stage is reached,viz., that doubts have disappeared and the aberration about the said great truths has ceased, the lower mind makes very strong efforts to throw the man overboard. these are the missiles of Bhandaasura, and these missiles mean the last temptations. But when the devotee is thus tried, being pushed into the eternal abyss of delusion by Bhandaasura, Mother is equally alert and She is showering Her Grace in so many ways and of so many varied efficiencies and through so many sources. 

527) Bhadra-priyaa भद्रप्रिया - Delighting in benevolence.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 115

528) Bhadra-murtih भद्रमूर्तिः - Of benevolent appearance. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 116

529) Bhayaapahaa भयापहा - Remover of fear. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 121

In the forest, and other places, in water on earth, in the presence of a tiger, and in midst of wild beasts and robbers, and specially in all difficulties and afflictions due to diseases, etc., the names of Mother should be repeatedThe greatest fear is Death-Fear. Mother's devotee dies as sweetly as a child goes to sleep in the Mother's lap, when She is patting and mesmerising the child to sleep.

One of the most Efficacious Repetition couplet, in the matter of the removal of the fear, is this Daaridya Dukkha Bhaya Haarini Kaattvadnyaa | Sarvopakaara Karanaaya Sadaardra chitaa ||   [ दुर्गे स्मृता हरसि भीतिमशेषजन्तोः स्वस्थैः स्मृता मतिमतीव शुभां ददासि । दारिद्र्यदुखःभयहारिणि का त्वदन्या सर्वोपकारकरणाय सदार्द्रचित्ता।। ]

530)  Bhavachakrapravartini - भवचक्रप्रवर्तिनी ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 843

Mover and Turner of the wheel of the earthly existence  of individuals and of the universe , through birth, growth, decay etc. She is the final disposer as binder or releaser. She turns angle of vision of some towards material happiness, or of fewest, towards mental and individual happiness and of some towards Herself and Her glory and sportivity. Bhavachakra means the wheel of worldliness and is stated to be a chakra , being like a whirlpool constantly in a circular motion, with a speed which is swifter than that of mind.

531) Bhava-daava-sudhaa-vrishtih भवदावसुधावृष्टिः- The rain of nectar (falling) in the forest fire or worldly existence. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 742

Just the reverse of this, Mother sometimes spreads forest-fire and scatters away all the worldly happiness-giving possessions, conjugal circumstances and conditions, and snatches away the cup of drink which the devotee thinks to be the nectar, but which Mother wishes them to realize to be poison.

Bhava means Shiva, or salvation. The word also can be read as Vasudhaa Vrishtih, means bestower of the gift of wealth.

Mother is thus the bestower of worldly enjoyment as also the salvation. Mangalaraaja Stava says ," Where there is worldly enjoyment, there is no salvation; where there is salvation, there is no worldly enjoyment. To the best devotees of Shree Sundari, salvation and enjoyment are both in their hands. They may choose any."

532)  Bhava-naashini भवनाशिनी - Destroying samsaara, i.e., world-attachment.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 175

Destroyer of Bhava, i.e., one's own world as well.Mother as stated else where acts as a surgeon as well. One of he mysterious ways of mother is to make one , whom She loves the most, miserable to hasten his uplift, striking hammers after hammers and giving shocks after shocks In this sense, the word can also be interpreted to mean " Breaker of of one's happy little universe." Property goes being squandered away, home collapses, beloved turns faithless, children turn disobedient, relatives become enemies, masters become cruel, sympathizers become helpless, dearest die, obliged go ungrateful, kindly-treated become prepared to swallow up, etc.

The last drop of relishfulness in anything else except Her and Hers is squeezed out as a bad blood from boil, by all sorts of surgical instruments. She wrecks the little ship and leaves nothing for the ship-wrecked except One Hope in Her.

This revelation of the unpalatable truth should not scare away the immature or Kachchaa devotees. Devotees should know that higher and higher tests are laid, as the devotee goes higher and higher and yet at the same timeMother is merciful enough not to prescribe an insurmountable test, beyond the capacity of the devotee. She prescribes the test fully considering the strength, worth and condition and circumstances and further it is She that arouses the inherent bearing power and grants the satisfaction of having passed through the ordeal most wonderfully.

533) Bhava-rogaghni भवरोगघ्नी - Destroyer of earthly existence.

ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 842

534)  Bhavaani भवानी - Life-giver to all opposite pairs of conditions. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 112

Bhava means liberated condition, as also worldliness, and desire.She is the life-giver to these as well as to their opposites.Devotees alone can realise this paradox, and that is why Mother is called sportive. In a dramatic company the chaste and the vile woman, the king and the enemy,the successful and the defeated, all are of the proprietor's making. Thus saint and sinner are of Her making. It is all Mother's play. Bhava means Shiva (desirelessness) as also Samsaara (worldliness), and also Manmatha (desirefulness); and ana means to give life. Shakti is called Bhavaani because She gives life to, as well as ends the Samsaar (Worldliness).

Worldliness and world-wormness do not mean the same thing. A worldworm is intensely relishful  ( PAAMAR- पामर ). The worldly is one who is hand and foot, bound down ( Baddha बध्द ) by worldliness Samsaar संसार .Worldliness is slipping away from the final Truth.

Salt water fish will die in fresh water and fisher-women will suffer from vomiting, on account of the rose-scent in a rose garden.That explain worldwormness.

Worldliness is confining to one's own selfishness, and wasting precious life for one's own self and the family alone.It is the ignorance of the final truths and lack of understanding, as to the working of  God, universe, souls and the Karmic Law. Ignorance as to what should be done and what should not be done.

Ignorance, as to the real values to be set, as to what matters, one should be alert or indifferent about, as to what matters he should be active or passive about. and as to the high value that should be set inward and outward purity, holy and truthfulness, has played the most important part in the happiness and misery of  mankind, races, nations, societies and individuals. Ignorance is responsible for all the play of worldly people, and for their no belief, no faith, either as regards their being controlled or helped by much higher forces and agencies, and no obedience to any higher powers. The absence of knowledge about the liability of having to answer for one's actions, no knowing of the Divine Law of action and re-action, no knowing of the higher powers of one's self if pure and divine soul, is the main indication of worldliness. Soul-lost, small-witted, shortsighted, dead-cruel, selfish,molesting-and-persecuting-tendenciful; such are some of the characteristics of worldly people.Thus runs an interesting description of world-worms and world-entangled souls.

" Driven by unattainable desires, blunt to lawfulness or unlawfulness, justice or injustice, blunt to morality or immorality in seeing and acting to get their desires fulfilled. Ever busy with scheming and arranging plots after plots but never getting wiser, although meeting failures after failures ".

" Hypocritic, self-sufficient, proud, passionately deluded and infatuated; living with self imposed blindness in their own self created universe and having, as their highest goal, the satisfaction of their own wishes, desires and commands".

" Domineering,boring,annoying and burdensome. Considering themselves to be the best and wisest and expecting the whole humanity to rally round them and do as they desire or command or teach.Not knowing their own faults and vices. With themselves as the " be-all and end-all." Full of evil actions and full of desires and motions without the smallest ideas of their undeservedness, etc.

535) Bhava-aranya-kuthaa-rikaa भवारण्यकुठारिका - The woodcutter of the forest of earthly existence & worldliness.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 114

536)  Bhaagyaabdhi-chandrikaa  भाग्याब्धिचन्द्रिका -The moon darling of the ocean of good fortune. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 746

The ocean gets extremely joyful, rich, uncontrolled and ready to give over its every possession, on the rise of the Moon, especially on Full-moon days. Thus once the reflection of moon, i.e., Mother's devotion rises in the heart, good fortunes gets most impatient to reach and deluge the devotees.

According to Hindu Mythology, Moon is one of the fourteen wonders of the universe, that came out of the ocean on being churned by deities and demons. The ocean is the father and moon taken to be the feminine gender is his daughter.

537) Bhaanu-mandala-madhyasthaa  भानुमण्डलमध्यस्था -  Abiding in the midst of the sun's disc. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 275

At the time of the two twilights known as Sandhyaa. Mother should be meditated upon and prayed for, with "The golden Mother seen within the sun." Thus :"I bow down to the form, which is in the sun's disc, who is all the scriptures, knowing Whom nothing remains to be known, Who fills the different worlds with Her brilliance , the Cause of the three worlds, known as the Supreme Mother.

538) Bhaalasthaa भालस्था -Residing in the forehead.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 593 

Mother gives such a luster to the devotees that there is a luster on their very foreheads as if She were residing there.

539)  Bhaavajnaa भावज्ञा - Knower of thoughts, feelings, love , devotion, meditation and all the different modifications of head and heart. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 841

540) Bhaavanaa-gamyaa भावनागम्या - She is to be attained by meditation.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 113

Bhavanaa also means sincere desire. Neither physical act nor mental act would be please Mother; desire and love will, however not only please but move Her. A higher meaning is that She is attainable only by Her own desire to make Herself attainable by a particular person. Bhaavanaa originates from Herself.

541) Bhaavaa-bhaava-vivarjitaa भावाभावविवर्जिता - Devoid of existence and non-existence. Taking destruction to mean change, destruction of existence is non-existence, and destruction of non-existence is existence. As Mother is above change and eternal, She is above existence and non-existence.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 680

542)  Bhaashaa-rupaa भाषारूपा -In the form of the language which affords the ladder for the expression, communication and uplift of the aspirants to the highest plane through the Grace of Mother and Guru. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 678

543) Bhuvaneshvari  भुवनेश्वरी - Ruler of the universe. ललिता सहस्रनातम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 294

This is one of the ten aspects of Mother known as Dasha Mahaa Vidyaas, that are worshipped for different goals. The sound or Beeja Mantra or the seed letter for Her being appeased, is Hrim

544) Bhooma-roopaa भूमरूपा - Aggregate of all things.

She is one, She is many, without or with limitations, respectively. She is all, all yet not all.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 666

545) Bheda-naashini भेदनाशिनी - Destroyer of difference and separateness. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 179

Bheda is the dual knowledge; She causes its destruction by the knowledge of reality. Mother removes this differentiation, by generating love internally, and by bringing about the circumstances of being under the similar needs, fears and calamities, externally. Love especially when it is a sex-love, shatters mountains of Bhedas or differentiations. Highest and most acute differences vanish in the sinking ship.

It must be clearly understood that not knowing differences is ignorance.What is required to be practice is overriding the differences. 

I am tempted to narrate an incident, when I realised the intensity of the meaning underlying this name. The incident also serves to show what is stated above, viz., in circumstances of being under calamities, etc., the differentiation is removed.

When I was laid down in Ahmedabad hospital in 1934

and was operated uponMother attended on me for three consecutive nights, each time not more than about ten minutes at about 2 A.M. On the third night I failed in my faith and getting suspicious whether my eyes were true to me, I moved my hand over the portion where I was bandaged, to make sure by feeling of touch whether my seeing that Mother had untied he bandage , and had healed the wound , was true. I found that it was true. Mother smiled but did not come the next night. For five subsequent consecutive nights, the only two other entities who had accompanied Mother for the first three days , attended as Mother did.

There was the Bhangi (the night-soil carrier) at the door on duty. Eight nights were thus over; the next night the Bhangi entered my room at about 3 A.M. and to my most unspeakable surprise talked to me : " Sir, tonight Maataaji माताजी( Mother) did not come." I was stunned. I began to think a Bhangi- a night soil carrier - to have this knowledge and this Darshanदर्शन ( vision ).

I turned joy-maddened. I sang out "Nirbhedaa" निर्भेदा, "Bhedanaashini" भेदनाशिनी and almost prostrated to him, who was my sweeper. Since then for many nights I used to make him sit with me in the easy chair and showed him Mother's pictures, and read out articles from Shakti Anka शक्ति अंक of The Kalyan कल्याण from Gorakhpur गोरखपूर .

546) Bhairavi भैरवी - She that gives energy of one's doing one's best. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 276

Brairava means "exertion" indicated in the "Success or death while exerting, with determination, not to accept any intermediate stage." Bhairava Japa means the repetition of the Bhairavi mantra, with determination of vow of sacrificing one's life , if success does not crown the penance.

547) Bhogini भोगिनी - She that creates a desire for enjoyment.

ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 293

548) Mangalaakruti मंगलाकृती - Of beneficial appearance. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 933

"She, the remembrance of Whom, drives away misfortunes from men, and gives benefit to them that Supreme cause is known as Mangalaa.

The performance of right action, avoiding wrong action and being able to overcome difficulties, is called mangalaa by Rishis and is the result of Mother's or Guru's Grace or both.

549)  Majjasamsthaa मज्जासंस्था - Presiding over the marrow.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 524

550)  Manipuraanta-rooditaa मणिपुरांतरूदिता -Mother in the centre at the navel appearing. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 101